
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Sunday Spiritual

Such sadness is upon our country.
Hatred spews from the mouths of people like water from a fountain.

My heart breaks for all the families today suffering the loss of family and friends from the shootings in El Paso and Ohio.

Mental illness is a reality and needs to be addressed.
No one in their right mind could kill random people. 

I pray for these families today. I posted I would pray for them on social media and of course was attacked for it. I will still pray and pray for those who were attacking via social media.

I wonder if social media is to blame for the hatred... If you spent one hour reading things that were posted, you would be saddened. People "say" things they would never say to your face.

Compassion is missing in our world.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face.
and the things of this world will grow strangely dim,
in the light of His glory and grace.

Beautiful hymn.



  1. What a beautiful post, Jacki. Am so sorry people attacked you on social media. We need less hate in this world. #ElPasoStrong

  2. Thank you Catherine

    We prayed for the families at church today

  3. Such hatred and evil.

    You have said it SO well.

  4. What I posted

    It is sad. Truly sad. I will pray for the victims families and friends.

    I will pray for all you hate filled people posting here too.

    The person pulling the trigger is who is responsible.

    Sane people do not do this. Nor do they blame everyone and anyone who is not of their political party or those who do not share their opinions.

    Rather than offer comfort to the grieving families you choose to spew hatred.


  5. Yes, Jackie that is a beautiful post. The tool that these people use to carry out their evil acts is not the problem, it's mental illness and drug abuse, people need help. Prayers, and more prayers for the families and victims, and for those self-serving politicians.


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