Sunday, February 16, 2020

Monday Twitter Tree© #CCMTT

Welcome to the

Monday - Twitter Tree© 
Posted on the evening before to save time in the  morning for those with day jobs
Three days a week, we come together to promote each other.

....a little birthday.....

My tweets
Bear Cell Phone Pouch Purse

Perfect for their #Easter basket #Bear pouch, cell phone pouch #CCMTT via @christiecottage

Turtle Crocheted bath mit

 Perfect for their #Easter basket #Turtle bath mitt #CCMTT via @christiecottage


watercolorsNmore said...

#WoodEarrings Drop #BallEarrings YOU pick one ExoticWoodJewelryAnd leopard ,mosaic, handmade @Etsy @RTobaison #CCMTT

Love Flamingos? #flamingo art, watercolor prints, set of 3, Note #ARTCards handmade Florida, Tropical birds @RTobaison #CCMTT @Etsy


ShadowDogDesigns said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ShadowDogDesigns said...

The Monday Twitter Tree is also on my blog - comments welcome!

Appreciate those of you who leave a comment most of the time!

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Sorry for the delete above. Saw a mistake in a link

Meaningful jewelry for the woman of Christian faith: gorgeous Southwest inspired pewter cross earrings w/ sky blue Czech beads! via @ShadowDogDesign #ccmtt #ChristianJewelry #CrossEarrings

Love tribal inspired boho jewelry? Check out this unique African batik bone bead & white coral frangia necklace! via @ShadowDogDesign #ccmtt #Handmade #TribalNecklace


Christie Cottage said...

Tweet on Monday please

‪Check out the Monday Twitter Tree© #CCMTT via @christiecottage #blog ‬

Check out the video above too 😁

Linda B said...

#Boho Cross Necklace Women - #CrossJewelry - Christian - Christian Jewelry via @Etsy @lindab142 #SDFTT

Green Jewelry, Easter Earrings, #Clover Earrings, #lucky charms, via @Etsy @lindab142 #SDFTT

Thanks, J, for hosting.

Pamela Baker said...

My Monday Tweets:

Crocheted Snuggle Bunny Blanket Baby Girl @MagdaleneKnits #CCMTT #CrochetedSnuggleBunny #EasterGift

Crocheted Baby Lamb w Blue Satin Ribbon @MagdaleneKnits #CCMTT #CrochetedBabyLamb #EasterGift

ButterflyInTheAttic said...

Hi all
I’ve MIA for a while so I just wanted touch base quick.. I have been having significant back pain for almost a month
Literally have not been able to sit this entire time including the car or work. Officially diagnosed last week in my layman’s terms as a blown out L1 disc filling the canal and he said it is pushing and separating the sciatic nerves.

Anyway still working just have to stand the entire time and lots of oth meds. So I am pooped by the end of the day
Surgery schedule for the 28th and should be good as new and back to promoting :)

Have a blessed day

Christie Cottage said...

So sorry Colleen!!!

watercolorsNmore said...

Colleen, Very sorry for your pain and condition. Prayers that the surgery on 28th will fix the problem and you will soon be back to normal. It does take time.

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Sending you prayers that the surgery corrects the problem, Colleen. Hope the recovery is quick and that you are back with us soon.

diane@Daisyblu said...

Thanks Jackie for hosting today.
Prayers being sent your way Colleen - Hope you have a speedy recovery.

diane@Daisyblu said...

Personalized Wedding Photo Album Mother of the Bride and Groom Gift, Bridal Shower, Beaded Lace Design 5x7, 6x7.5 via @Etsy @Daisyblu_Diane #CCMTT #WeddingPhotoAlbum #EngagementPhotoBook

White and Ivory Wedding Photo Album, Beaded Lace, Personalized, Photo Album, 8x10, Wedding gift, Anniversary Album, Ivory Lace, handmade via @Etsy @Daisyblu_Diane #WeddingPhotoAlbum #WeddingGift #CCMTT

ShadowDogDesigns said...

To here. Will check back later.

Christie Cottage said...

To here

watercolorsNmore said...


Christie Cottage said...

No one watched the video 😏 said...

Hope you have a wonderful Birthday !!

Christie Cottage said...

Diane. I did. Thank you!!!

Unknown said...

According to Stanford Medical, It is indeed the one and ONLY reason this country's women live 10 years longer and weigh on average 19 KG lighter than we do.

(And realistically, it has NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret-exercise and EVERYTHING around "how" they are eating.)

BTW, I said "HOW", not "WHAT"...

Tap on this link to uncover if this brief test can help you discover your real weight loss potential

Unknown said...

Look at the way my partner Wesley Virgin's biography launches with this SHOCKING and controversial video.

Wesley was in the military-and soon after leaving-he discovered hidden, "self mind control" tactics that the government and others used to get everything they want.

THESE are the EXACT same tactics lots of famous people (notably those who "became famous out of nowhere") and top business people used to become rich and successful.

You probably know that you use less than 10% of your brain.

That's really because the majority of your brain's power is UNCONSCIOUS.

Perhaps this conversation has even taken place INSIDE OF YOUR own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head around seven years back, while riding an unregistered, garbage bucket of a car without a license and with $3 on his banking card.

"I'm absolutely frustrated with going through life paycheck to paycheck! Why can't I become successful?"

You've been a part of those those types of thoughts, am I right?

Your very own success story is waiting to happen. You need to start believing in YOURSELF.

Watch Wesley Virgin's Video Now!

Visit me on Etsy!

Thanks for stopping by!

Craft Business, Selling Crafts, Handmade Crafts promoted here.

Mostly Business - Monday Twitter Tree©.

Two for Tuesday Tuesday Tag.

Wednesday Where you'll find us Wednesday

Thursday Thoughts Just random posts of whatever seems to be on my mind.

Friday Fun Generally a cartoon or a funny story, to make you SMILE

Saturday Shopping Spree.

Sunday Spiritual posts honoring God.