Saturday, February 22, 2020

Monday Twitter Tree© #CCMTT

Welcome to the

Monday - Twitter Tree© 

Posted on the evening before to save time in the  morning for those with day jobs
Three days a week, we come together to promote each other.

My tweets
Ivory Miniature Wedding Dress, Handkerchief for shadowbox 

Ivory Miniature #Wedding Dress, Handkerchief for shadowbox  #MotherOfTheBride via @christiecottage #CCMTT
Skull Earrings Dangles with Beads Pierced Day of the Dead
Skull Earrings Dangles with Beads Pierced #DayoftheDead  #MardiGras via @christiecottage #CCMTT


watercolorsNmore said...

#LittleHarborResort #Ruskin 5 x 7 Note Card, 8x10, 11x14 or 16x20 watercolor print, YOU pick. @RTobaison #CCMTT @Etsy

Unique, Exotic Wood, Resin #WoodEarrings Drop oval handcrafted #CCMTT @RTobaison @Etsy


ShadowDogDesigns said...

Good Sunday afternoon. Here are my two:

Cheerful spring jewelry: birds & flowers polymer clay pendant necklace w/ faceted ruby red quartz & faceted real turquoise! via @ShadowDogDesign #ccmtt #Handmade #BirdNecklace

For the woman who adores wearing radiant blue jewelry: translucent cobalt blue Saturn bead earrings w/ blue bead accents! via @ShadowDogDesign #ccmtt #Handmade #BlueEarrings

Thanks for the promo (:

Linda B said...

Two for me:

New Tassel and #Druzy Necklace - handmade #Spring Jewelry - Gray and Silver with Matching Earrings via @Etsy @lindab142 #CCMTT

Jewish Holiday earrings - #Purim Earrings – Hamentaschen charms- Jewishgifts - Purple earrings Judaica jewelry via @Etsy @lindab142 #CCMTT

Thanks for hosting.

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Shared the Twitter Tree on my blog - as always, comments welcome:


DianesDangles said...

Pink Rhodochrosite Natural Gemstone Sterling Pendant Black Leather Cord @dianesdangles #CCMTT #gemstonejewelry

Red Orange Agate Gemstone Square Stretch Wide Bracelet 7 inch @dianesdangles #CCMTT #gemstonejewelry

Linda B said...

Tweeted and scheduled to here. Back tomorrow after work.

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Scheduled and pinned to here. Will be back tomorrow morning.

watercolorsNmore said...

I will be leaving soon for most of the day. Whoever I miss will catch late afternoon.

Have a great day all.

Pamela Baker said...

My Monday Tweets:

Emerald Rhinestone Bracelet Vintage 14K Gold Chain @MagdaleneJewels #CCMTT #EmeraldRhinestoneBracelet #VintageChain

Peridot Swarovski Crystal Pendant Earrings @MagdaleneJewels #CCMTT #PeridotPendantEarrings #StPatricksDay

watercolorsNmore said...

to here.

Christie Cottage said...

Please tweet

‪Check out the Artisans Monday Twitter Tree© #CCMTT via @christiecottage #blog ‬

To here

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Checked back several times. Wonder where everyone is?

Tweeted/scheduled and pinned to here.

watercolorsNmore said...

Slim crowd today.
Everyone has been scheduled for 4 different tweets each.

Christie Cottage said...

I wondered too. Suzanne has health issues and plans to return in April.

Maybe they just needed a break. Sometimes we all do 😃

See y’all On Tuesday tag

Visit me on Etsy!

Thanks for stopping by!

Craft Business, Selling Crafts, Handmade Crafts promoted here.

Mostly Business - Monday Twitter Tree©.

Two for Tuesday Tuesday Tag.

Wednesday Where you'll find us Wednesday

Thursday Thoughts Just random posts of whatever seems to be on my mind.

Friday Fun Generally a cartoon or a funny story, to make you SMILE

Saturday Shopping Spree.

Sunday Spiritual posts honoring God.