Saturday, February 1, 2020

Saturday Shopping Spree - Love

Happy February!

Shop for Hearts Content!


watercolorsNmore said...

Thanks Jacki for the heart promotions.

Will schedule tweets and pin. said...

Thank you Jackie for the extra promotion. Hope you have a great weekend.

watercolorsNmore said...

Scheduled all through Catherine.

Congrats Cat on your sale. said...

Pinned all thru 12 from the party link ....pinned all to pinterest.
Will retweet later again

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Thanks, Jacki, for posting my items. The two pair of dog rescue earrings sold at the show today - yay! (:

Have scheduled tweets for this evening and for tomorrow morning. And have pinned.

Christie Cottage said...

Tweeted several times and pinned

Visit me on Etsy!

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