Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Chosen

Have you seen The Chosen?

This is a wonderful series telling the life of Jesus as you have never seen before. Laughter, joking, friendship, time with children, miracles.

My favorite scene is when Jesus calls Mary by name. I get goosebumps just typing this. I have cried each time I watched it. 

The actor portraying Jesus is what I imagine Jesus really looked like. His name is Jonathan Roumie. He delivers a wonderful portrayal of Jesus.

Here is the link to Jonathan Roumie saying The Father (Lord's prayer) in Aramaic, which would have the been the language Jesus spoke.
If you want to just hear the prayer, it's at about 29:32. You will enjoy the entire interview, and have some insight on the actor and his faith and respect in portraying Jesus.


Here is a link for the Aramaic translation


You may watch this on the app

You may also purchase the complete season one on the app.

There is also a Pay It Forward option on the app.
My sister sent me the DVDs. I am so thankful!

I truly hope you will watch this series 
and share your blessing with me.


ShadowDogDesigns said...

Looks like a wonderful show, Jacki. Am so glad this Jesus looks more like he historically would have instead of blond hair and blue eyes I grew up with (and asked "why?" and never got a good answer). Thanks for sharing.

watercolorsNmore said...

Looks like something to put on my to-do list when I have a chunk of time.
Thanks for sharing.

CraftingMemories1 said...

Thank you for sharing, Jacki. He looks like the image I Jesus I have imagined.

Christie Cottage said...

Thanks for taking the time to comment!

I have watched the series multiple times.
Some episodes more than others.

I hope you all get to see it.

Plus listen to the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic.


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