Thursday, May 7, 2020

Find your smile - Friday Fun #SDFTT

Happy Friday!

Let's find your smile!

 I hope you smiled!

Today I am promoting this item:

Rice Roses, Wedding,Bird Seed, Mints, 50, Ivory, Roses, Ready2Ship

Rice Roses, #Wedding Made in America #SDFTT via @christiecottage #ReadyToShip



watercolorsNmore said...

The poop purse, so funny!

CraftingMemories1 said...

LOL! I love it. If I lived close to people I would take an old purse with me. That is just too cute.

ShadowDogDesigns said...

I knew a lady who did carry an old purse for poop. She always hoped someone would take it! LOL! Love the gardening one - so VERY true! Happy weekend to you, Jacki!

Covergirlbeads said...

Too funny...Loved the lady and the purse one! Have a great weekend!

Andrea Wagner said...

They are all very funny. Jacki, I always enjoy your posts.

Have a nice weekend!

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