Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Thursday Thoughts

On Thursday's, I post my thoughts each week. 
Sometimes they are expressed in a picture, sometimes in words. This week, it will be in words.

We are certainly facing challenging times. 
Stay-at-Home orders, 
small businesses closed, 
unemployment due to Covid-19, 
churches closed, 
parks closed, 
no gatherings, all causing a build up of stress.
Then, the murder of George Floyd. 

I believe people should be allowed to protest, as they are. But rioting and looting businesses who serve your community is not protesting. Shooting cops and beating store owners for protecting their property is wrong! 
I believe that is criminal activity. 
No matter who is doing it and that they should be held accountable.

I watched multiple videos of a single incident in Oklahoma. I read comments that people made. I can not understand where they saw "their version" in the videos. Is their outrage fueled by any or all of the above?

I pray for peace. 

I pray for the family of George Floyd as they mourn his murder.

I pray for the officers who are doing their jobs.

I pray for the small businesses that they will be able to make repairs caused by the rioters and looters and that they will survive.

I pray for all the employees from the Target and Auto-Zone and other businesses, who no longer have a place to work and support their families.


Please be kind to all you come across. 
We don't know what internal struggles they are dealing with.


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