Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Artisans Tuesday Tag #CCTAG

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ButterflyInTheAttic said...

?Who’s redbubble shop is “ GiacomoF”? The onesie with the blobby looking sheep?
Just curious since they are from Italy

watercolorsNmore said...

I have scheduled and pinned ALL through #33.

I will catch later ones this afternoon.

watercolorsNmore said...

Through #36.

watercolorsNmore said...

Throught #39............will be back this afternoon.

Butterfly In The Attic said...

Through #40 will be back after work

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Thanks, Jacki.

Scheduling tweets and pinning for all items.

Also shared the Tag on my blog. Comments welcome:


Thanks, again!

Christie Cottage said...

Pinned thru 46 as long as parameters were good

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Through #47. Will check back later.

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Colleen, GiacomoF is a friend of mine from Florence, Italy and I promote him. You've asked about his shop before and I've answered it. I think the sheep is CUTE looking rather than "blobby" - perfect for a baby's onesie, IMHO.

Giacomo's twitter handle is @giaco_23.

Andrea Wagner said...

I shared the 52 items on Twitter and Pinterest board 2021-Handmade Shopping Guide.

Butterfly In The Attic said...

Sorry blobby was not a good description. You are correct it is adorable thanks for the @ tag its super helpful

Hema said...

Done to here (#52)- thanks

watercolorsNmore said...

Through #52.

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Checking back. Through # 52 earlier.

ButterflyInTheAttic said...

Through 52

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