Sunday, October 10, 2021

Artisans Monday Twitter Tree #CCMTT

 Monday - Twitter Tree© 

Three days a week, we come together to promote each other.


#Skull Earrings Dangles with Beads Pierced Day of the Dead | Christie Cottage via @christiecottage #CCMTT

#Halloween #skulls #ghouls and more #shopsmall @christiecottage


ShadowDogDesigns said...

Good evening. Here are my two for the Tree:

If you love giving & receiving one of a kind artisan jewelry, check out my new blog for a wide range of unique, handmade earrings & necklaces! via @ShadowDogDesign #ccmtt #HandmadeJewelry #Blog

Christmas will be here before you know it! These glowing frosted white lampwork earrings w/ sparkling Siam red & emerald green crystals are perfect for holiday wear! via @ShadowDogDesign #ccmtt #FreeShipping #ChristmasEarrings


ShadowDogDesigns said...

Shared Monday's Tree on my blog - comments always welcome:


Christie Cottage said...

Please tweet multiple times on Monday

Check out the Artisans Monday Twitter Tree #CCMTT via @christiecottage #blog

watercolorsNmore said...

Unusual #ExoticWoodEarrings ExoticWoodJewelryAnd handcrafted Drop Dangle Repurposed via @Etsy @RTobaison #CCMTT

8 x 10 print of any of my Watercolor images, YOU PICK WatercolorsNmore Florida art home decor via @Etsy @RTobaison #CCMTT #Vinoy


Suzanne (Rivendell Rock) said...

Shop small USA businesses this holidays. Lapis Cross Lapis Turquoise Pendant Necklace Earring Set Stone Cross From RivendellRocksSedona @Etsy #Christmasgiftideas #Shopsmallbusiness #CCMTT

Try small USA businesses this year for your Holiday shopping Sterling Silver Star of David Apatite Adjustable V Choker From RivendellRocksSedona @Etsy #HolidayShopping #Shopsmallbusiness #CCMTT

Pamela Baker said...

My Monday Tweets: @MagdaleneJewels #CCMTT #RubyRedCrystalEarrings #PendantEarrings @MagdaleneJewels #CCMTT #RubyOnyxKumihimoBracelet #CzechGlassSeedBeads

Hema said...

Pearls are called the Queen of Gems, here is one with a lot of them, $40, #freeshipping, #CCMTT, handmade @hvaradhan

Multi color fresh water pearls with a glamor of their own, $38, #freeshipping, #CCMTT, handmade @hvaradhan

Christie Cottage said...

Pinned through 14

Christie Cottage said...

Christie Cottage said...

Christie Cottage said...

Christie Cottage said...

diane@Daisyblu said...

Great milestone #anniversary gift. Hand-made, Personalized #wedding photo album in your custom color scheme.
#ccmtt @DaisybluDesigns @Daisyblu_Diane @etsy

diane@Daisyblu said...

#Holiday greeting card set. Collection of 8 hand-made eye-catching #Christmas cards made with love. #ccmtt
@DaisybluDesigns @Daisyblu_Diane @etsy

Christie Cottage said...

Christie Cottage said...

Linda B said...

A great gift for #Halloween - Pumpkin Charm bracelets via @lindab142 #CCMTT #shopsmall

Are you a Pink Lover? Leaf Necklace - Crystals Necklace & Earrings In October I'm donating to #breastcancer by @lindab142 #CCMTT

Thanks. Sorry for the delay.

Christie Cottage said...

watercolorsNmore said...

Got Linda.

Girls I'm losing it - kept looking for the tag post...........I LOST a whole DAY!!!!
Not that I'm getting old!

Suzanne (Rivendell Rock) said...

I've given up on trying to remember the day - I just try to count forward or backward from attending Church, so don't feel bad.

To here

Hema said...

Pinned and tweeted the thread - thanks.

Visit me on Etsy!

Thanks for stopping by!

Craft Business, Selling Crafts, Handmade Crafts promoted here.

Mostly Business - Monday Twitter Tree©.

Two for Tuesday Tuesday Tag.

Wednesday Where you'll find us Wednesday

Thursday Thoughts Just random posts of whatever seems to be on my mind.

Friday Fun Generally a cartoon or a funny story, to make you SMILE

Saturday Shopping Spree.

Sunday Spiritual posts honoring God.