Tuesday, November 23, 2021

#shopsmall Tuesday Tag #CCTAG

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Christie Cottage said...

Please tweet this many times

Christie Cottage: #shopsmall Tuesday Tag #CCTAG https://christiecottage.blogspot.com/2021/11/shopsmall-tuesday-tag-cctag.html via @christiecottage #blog 🎄

Pinned through 26

watercolorsNmore said...

Thanks Jacki for hosting.

All have been scheduled and pinned through #28

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Thanks for hosting, Jacki. Pinned and scheduled tweets every 15 minutes through #32.

Also shared the Tag on my blog for extra backlinks:


Christie Cottage said...


Christie Cottage said...


Andrea Wagner said...

I shared the 40 items on Twitter and Pinterest board 2021-Handmade Shopping Guide.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Christie Cottage said...


Christie Cottage said...


Funny, every time my turtle mit is added it’s the section link and not the item link

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Through #46.

Adorebynat said...

I had fixed it, Jacki, after I realized it when I wanted to schedule the tweet & pin.

Christie Cottage said...

I just think it’s funny. No worries

watercolorsNmore said...

All sheduled & pinned through #46.

Adorebynat said...


Visit me on Etsy!

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Two for Tuesday Tuesday Tag.

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