Sunday, March 20, 2022

Artisans Monday Twitter Tree #CCMTT

Monday - Twitter Tree© 

Three days a week, we come together to promote each other.


My items 

Wedding Roses for Rice Bird Seed or Candy PDF pattern only | Christie Cottage via @christiecottage #CCMTT 

Baby Shoes, Booties, Baby Girl White Felt, Vintage Appliques | Christie Cottage via @christiecottage #CCMTT


ShadowDogDesigns said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ShadowDogDesigns said...

For extra back links, shared the Tree on my blog:

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Sorry about the delete above. Hate it when I don't spot a misspelled word until it's too late! Here are my corrected tweets:

Fun jewelry for the woman who loves cactus: lightweight, vintage-look cactus & flower earrings w/ bright red coral! via @ShadowDogDesign #ccmtt #MothersDay #CactusEarrings

Feel the peace wearing these meditating Buddha earrings w/ crown chakra amethyst - wonderful yoga / meditation jewelry! via @ShadowDogDesign #ccmtt #MothersDay #BuddhaEarrings


Pamela Baker said... @MagdaleneKnits #CCMTT #CrochetedInfantSandals #PinkLilacCottonYarn @MagdaleneKnits #CCMTT #CrochetedPinkSweater #InfantBabyGirl

watercolorsNmore said...

#Tampa Florida Historical Landmarks, 4 cards Assortment 5 x 7 Note cards by watercolorsNmore Gasparilla via @Etsy #CCMTT RTobaison #gasparilla

2 #WoodEarrings you choose #OliveWood Holy Land or walnut ExoticwoodJewelryAnd handcrafted hypoallergenic via @Etsy #CCMTT RTobaison

Linda B said...

Shopping for a #MiniBat Mitzvah #Kippah held in place with a Barette? Each loop and beads is handmade one at a time Snap Clip Gold & Copper @lindab142 #JewishGifts #CCMTT

You'll love to wear these Hagaddah earrings for your #Passover Seder - Pesach Jewelry #Jewishgifts @lindab142 #CCMTT

Got another sale,- Thank you guys!

Adorebynat said...

Planning for a #superhero themed party? Superhero Party Favor Tags #CCMTT #partyideas

Farm Animals Candy Sticker Labels Fit Hershey’s Kisses Chocolates #birthday #CCMTT #candystickers

watercolorsNmore said...

Through Nat.
Nat needs to post links in linkin

Congrats Linda on your sales.

Will catch others this afternoon.

diane@Daisyblu said...

Beautiful #monogram photo album. Great #weddinggift.
#Ccmtt @Daisyblu_Diane @etsy

diane@Daisyblu said...

Share some love with Mom on #MothersDay - Give her a personalized handmade album filled with memorable #photographs. #ccmtt
@Daisyblu_Diane @etsy tps://

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Pinned/tweeted to here. 2nd tweets scheduled for this afternoon. Will check back later.

diane@Daisyblu said...

Pinned and tweeted thru 14 - will retweet this afternoon.

Linda B said...

Caught up and pinned. Scheduled 2nd for tonight.


Adorebynat said...

Pinned and tweeted.

Thank you

Visit me on Etsy!

Thanks for stopping by!

Craft Business, Selling Crafts, Handmade Crafts promoted here.

Mostly Business - Monday Twitter Tree©.

Two for Tuesday Tuesday Tag.

Wednesday Where you'll find us Wednesday

Thursday Thoughts Just random posts of whatever seems to be on my mind.

Friday Fun Generally a cartoon or a funny story, to make you SMILE

Saturday Shopping Spree.

Sunday Spiritual posts honoring God.