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Craft Business, Selling Crafts, Handmade Crafts promoted here.
Mostly Business - Monday Twitter Tree©.
Two for Tuesday Tuesday Tag.
Wednesday Where you'll find us Wednesday
Thursday Thoughts Just random posts of whatever seems to be on my mind.
Friday Fun Generally a cartoon or a funny story, to make you SMILE
Saturday Shopping Spree.
Sunday Spiritual posts honoring God.
Please tweet
Check out the Artisans Tuesday Tag #CCTAG via @christiecottage #blog
Thanks Jacki for hosting and all the promotions.
I have scheduled tweets and pinned through #45.
Thanks to my husband, we finally have reliable internet again. The last few days have been very frustrating with it going on and off.
Scheduled tweets and pinned through # 45. Also shared the Tag on my blog:
Thanks for hosting< Jacki. And thanks to those who shared my jewelry!
Thank you, Jacki, for hosting.
Finally finished through #45.
I have shared and tweeted.
Pinned and tweeted them all.
The 45 items were shared on Twitter and Pinterest board 2023-Hanmade Shopping Guide.
Have a great week!
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