
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Handmade Tuesday Tag #CCTAG


Tuesday Tag #CCTAG

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Please tweet several times today.

    Check out the fresh Handmade Tuesday Tag #CCTAG via @christiecottage #blog #shopsmall

  2. Having trouble with internet will post when I can.

  3. Not able to upload to InLinkz. Won't let me load pic.

  4. Seems to be only Etsy items that are affected. No pics show up when sharing a link on InLinkz like normal. I had to pin an item to Pinterest, copy that pic from Pinterest, save it to a folder and then upload the photo from the folder to InLinkz. What a pain. It's happening only with Etsy, the other shops are fine. Guess Etsy is tinkering again . . . ):

  5. Shared the Tag on my blog for those all important extra backlinks (:


  6. To here.

    Roxanne: Etsy has added a “click” in link which is preventing it from loading. I’m speculating it’s to get marketing credit off sales. I had a booger of a time loading yours and Hema. Worse since I do everything from my phone. Had to screenshot. Copy link edit it. Close linkup reopen and try with shortened link. Not anything I want to be doing.

    Anyway, all finished


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