Welcome to
Monday - Twitter
Posted on the evening before to
save time in the morning for those with day
Three days a week, we come
together to promote each other.
Wednesday: http://elunajewelry-nc-blogspot.com
My items for the day:
#SunbonnetSue and #OverallsSam, Set, Appliques, Handmade #CCMTT https://www.christiecottage.net/product/sunbonnet-sue-and-overalls-sam-set-appliques-handmade?tid=31 via @christiecottage

Barn #Owls Blank Greeting #Card #CCMTT https://www.christiecottage.net/product/barn-owl-blank-greeting-card-ivory-envelope?tid=11 via @christiecottage
My items for the day:

#SunbonnetSue and #OverallsSam, Set, Appliques, Handmade #CCMTT https://www.christiecottage.net/product/sunbonnet-sue-and-overalls-sam-set-appliques-handmade?tid=31 via @christiecottage

Barn #Owls Blank Greeting #Card #CCMTT https://www.christiecottage.net/product/barn-owl-blank-greeting-card-ivory-envelope?tid=11 via @christiecottage
#RespectLifeSunday Natural Turquoise Bar Necklace Prolife Precious Feet December Birthstone Charms for Life https://www.etsy.com/listing/670108672 From Rivendell Rock Jewelry @Etsy #CCMTT
#Halloween Hematite Owl Copper Crystal Pearl Pendant Necklace https://www.etsy.com/listing/462680324 From Rivendell Rock Jewelry @Etsy #CCMTT
Back later to promote.
3 Fall Autumn Art Cards - Sunflowers, Magnolia, Japanese Plums Loquats, 5x7 Note Cards blank watercolor print @CCMTT @RTobaison https://etsy.me/2LOVFPr
Unique Exotic Wood Pattern #WoodEarrings Handcrafted ExoticWoodJewelryAnd Hypoallergenic @RTobaison #CCMTT @Etsy https://etsy.me/2oWkOPf
Thanks all.
Shared the Twitter Tree on my blog - comments always welcome nad helps us all!
Love dark blue? You'll love these rich cobalt blue & copper flower earrings that positively glow when worn! http://bit.ly/FleursBleuesIM via @ShadowDogDesign #ccmtt #BlueJewelry #Flower Earrings
The Western Hills UMC Autumn Bazaar is this coming Saturday, October 12! Check out my new blog for all the important & fun information! http://bit.ly/2OoXDaQ via @ShadowDogDesign #ccmtt #ElPaso #Blog
Shop #pink for October http://bit.ly/Pink_Hope_Glass_Bracelet #breastcancerawareness @lindab142 a portion goes to a local cancer resource center #CCMTT
This simple clean design #Copper Marble Necklace makes a great gift for a friend http://bit.ly/Copper_Marble_Necklace @lindab142 #handmade #CCMTT
Scheduled to here.
Beautiful Hand-beaded cross bookmark.
Personalized for you. Free shipping
@etsy @daisyblu_diane #ccmtt #bibliophile #inspirationalgift
Inspirational Bookmark - hand-crafted & personalized for you. Great gift idea. Free shipping.
@etsy @daisyblu_diane #ccmtt #inspirationalgift #bookmark
My Monday Tweets:
Crocheted Baby Irish Knit Sweater Hat Newborns Infants Custom Order Only https://etsy.me/2Miymwf via @Etsy @MagdaleneKnits #CCMTT #CrochetBabySweaterHat #IrishKnitDesign
Crocheted Sweater Beret Toddler Girl Autumn Red Flannel Grey Picot Trim 2T https://etsy.me/2pR4EXQ via @Etsy @MagdaleneKnit #CCMTT #CrochetToddlerSweaterBeret #AutumnRed
To here
To here will catch others later.
Guess what my pinterest works (at least this morning) except it blocked me on Linda's - said something about not allowable because redirect or something like that.
Will catch later ones this afternoon.
To here.
Yeah, I've been getting those Pinterest notices on Linda's site for a while, too, when you pin from InLinkz. This is what it says:
Sorry! We blocked this link because it's a redirector and may lead to inappropriate content.
But if I use the Pinterest pin button or pin using the icons from Linda's shop, they pin fine. Just that it takes such a looooong time for the items to download, much longer than any other shop.
Please tweet this
Check out the Monday Twitter Tree© #CCMTT http://christiecottage.blogspot.com/2019/10/monday-twitter-tree-ccmtt.html via @christiecottage
I get the errors on Linds too when trying to pin. I mostly pin from my phone.
Tried to Pin Linda's also and got the same redirect message. I'll keep trying.
Promoted to here.
OK - was able to pin Linda when I went to her page and used the pin button there. No difficulty with loading either.
Hello there,
My two posts for today Monday are:
1. Knit scarf, fiber art scarf, handmade scarf, fine acrylic yarn, The apple garden scarf https://www.andreawagnerdesigns.com/collections/scarves/products/knit-scarf-fiber-art-scarf-handmade-scarf-fine-acrylic-yarn-the-apple-garden-scarf @AndreaDesigns1 #shoppingforchristmas #ccmtt
2. Green knit scarf, woman size, handmade, boho chic style, winter, holiday gift, the green peacock scarf https://www.andreawagnerdesigns.com/collections/scarves/products/green-knit-scarf-woman-size-handmade-boho-chic-style-winter-holiday-gift-the-green-peacock-scarf @AndreaDesigns1 #shoppingforchristmas #ccmtt
Thank you so much for sharing my creations!
Caught up to here.
I'm sorry that Pinterest is giving you issues with my items. Maybe it's because I'm using bitly links?
Please let me know if you want me to leave pinterest links with my items to make it easier for you; or how I can make it easier for you.
I sure miss the tweet button on Etsy.
Wed. is Yom Kippur so I won't be joining the tree.
Thank you!
All the 16 items were shared in Twitter and Pinterest (Twitter Tree board).
I was able to tweet all thru 16.
I was not able to get into pinterest again from my phone ...will try again later.
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