Sunday, November 20, 2022

Monday Twitter Tree #CCMTT

Monday Twitter Tree #CCMTT


Three days a week, we come together to promote each other.


My items 

Patriotic XL Christmas ornaments, Set, USA | Christie Cottage via @christiecottage #CCMTT 

Snowmen Ornaments, Christmas Ornaments, Handmade #FreeShipping | Christie Cottage via @christiecottage #CCMTT 


ShadowDogDesigns said...

Here are my two for the Tree:

Perfect jewelry for the woman w/ a goodly dose of boho in her personality: artisan ceramic spike earrings in a glorious burgundy red twist glaze! via @ShadowDogDesign #ccmtt #ChristmasGift #SpikeEarrings

Genuine green turquoise dangle earrings w/ glowing copper & more turquoise: fab "go to" jewelry to wear every day! via @ShadowDogDesign #ccmtt #ChristmasGift #TurquoiseEarrings


Suzanne (Rivendell Rock) said...

For the someone on your list who loves rustic elegance
Lapis Lazuli Calcite Copper Pendant Necklace
From RivendellRocksSedona on Etsy #CCMTT #Christmasgifts #Handmadegifts

Perfect for Christmas - perfect for May birthday girl
Emerald Sterling Silver Necklace Earrings Set
From RivendellRocksSedona on Etsy #CCMTT #Christmasgifts #Handmadegifts

Christie Cottage said...

Please tweet multiple times on Monday

Check out the Artisans Monday Twitter Tree #CCMTT via @christiecottage #blog #handmade


ShadowDogDesigns said...

Shared the Tree on my blog for extra promo for all:

Thanks, Jacki!

watercolorsNmore said...

Gift these #ExoticWoodEarrings, Green Wood, repurposed ecofriendly Handcrafted @waterrox #CCMTT #ExoticWoodJewelryAnd via @Etsy

Souvenir Gift #Gasparilla Pirate Festival Watercolor ArtPrint, 8 x 11 or 11 x 15 home decor #Tampa Florida via @Etsy #CCMTT @waterrox


Linda B said...

You'll love these #Hanukkah Wine glass charms via @Etsy #JewishGifts @lindab142 #CCMTT

Love Purple? Here's a Mini Bat Mitzvah #Kippah @lindab142 #CCMTT #Jewishgifts

Thanks for the promos.

Covergirlbeads said...

Have a wonderful week!

Looking for something minty?  You could head for the bowl of mints but why not just say yes to this flirty bracelet via @covergirlbeads #CCMTT #LampworkBracelets #GreenBracelets

Refreshing as a cool drink on a hot day.  These dark aqua blue lampwork earrings feature my artisan lampwork beads via @covergirlbeads #CCMTT #LampworkEarrings #AquaBlueEarrings

Butterfly In The Attic said...

Thank you Jacki, my first one

“Oliver The Otter's Christmas” Oliver is so proud of his decorating this year. He did it all by itself (well almost.) @ButterflysAttic @redbubble #findyourthing #ccmtt #Christmas

Butterfly In The Attic said...

My second one

The Christmas Spirit - Vintage Postcard Art Old Fashioned Santa Clause @ButterflysAttic @redbubble #findyourthing #ccmtt #Christmas

Butterfly In The Attic said...

To here

ShadowDogDesigns said...

To here. Will check back later.

Suzanne (Rivendell Rock) said...

Back later. Promoted to here

Linda B said...

Caught up.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Visit me on Etsy!

Thanks for stopping by!

Craft Business, Selling Crafts, Handmade Crafts promoted here.

Mostly Business - Monday Twitter Tree©.

Two for Tuesday Tuesday Tag.

Wednesday Where you'll find us Wednesday

Thursday Thoughts Just random posts of whatever seems to be on my mind.

Friday Fun Generally a cartoon or a funny story, to make you SMILE

Saturday Shopping Spree.

Sunday Spiritual posts honoring God.